Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Speed & Time Travel

Speed is measured by numbers, numbers are infinite, you can always add 1, therefore speed is infinite. Maybe not the speed you and I can travel, but something maybe could travel this fast. Now move this something in a circle, traveling faster with each revolution. Soon it is going so fast there is no difference from it's leaving to it's arriving. It happens in an instant. But it can go faster. Add 1 to its speed. Now it is getting there before it leaves. It has traveled back in time. Or does it no longer exist? It had to exist in order to leave, but now where is it? Of course it can slow down until it stops. But where will it be? Will it be destroyed when it gets to the speed where it occupies the same time & space as when it started? If it didn't travel in a circle but in a straight line what would happen? I'll look for answers to these & other questions in future blogs.

1 comment:

cswoog said...

possibly we are all moving at a speed so fast we are arriving at the same instant we are leaving...